Bi-plane Angiography Cathlab: Advanced Technology for Neuro and Vascular Treatments

Neurovascular diseases are one of the main reasons that could cripple most patients and can even turn fatal, if not intervened and treated at the right time.
The majority of Neurovascular diseases are acute occurrences and are often caused by blocks in the brain blood vessels leading to stroke or due to Arteriovenous Malformation, Carotid Artery Disease, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Intracranial Vascular Disease, Venous Sinus Thrombosis, Brain Aneurysms, Brain Haemorrhage, etc.
Biplane Angiography Cathlab is the most advanced facility available with very few hospitals in India. Dr Suresh Giragani is the first to perform advanced interventional treatments on biplane Cathlab angiography for various vascular diseases in Twin Telugu states.
What is a Biplane Angiography Cath Lab?
The Biplane Angiography Cathlab is a highly advanced medical facility where professional Interventional Neuroradiologist or Neurointerventionist can perform a variety of minimally invasive procedures as part of the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from various neurovascular diseases. In addition, it is highly beneficial in the treatment of gastrointestinal and peripheral vascular interventions.
The Biplane Angiography Cathlab is equipped with two separate orthogonal C-arm cameras that support the physician aided by a contrast dye injected into the patient’s circulatory system by simultaneously recording high-resolution pictures of the brain and blood vessels from two different angles at a high frame rate and projecting them in a fraction of second onto the computer.
This system uses two sets of imaging sources and rotating cameras, each of which moves freely and independently, taking images up to 60 frames per second from two regions of the patient’s head – front to back and side to side. A monitor displays colored, detailed, real-time images of the blood vessels, which the neuro interventionist rotates to plan for further intervention.
The Neurointerventionist can perform a cerebral angiogram to treat a blocked blood vessel or aneurysm, a catheter insertion to prevent an aneurysm burst, stenting for atherosclerosis, embolization for arteriovenous malformation embolization, spinal angiogram, and head and neck embolization.
While gauging the view, the Interventional Radiologist can use a thin catheter to access the affected area in the chest, abdomen, or neck for accessing a blood clot, clear a bulging aneurysm, restore blood flow through a vessel, restrict blood supply to a growing tumor, and perform a variety of other procedures, depending on the health condition.

Stroke Treatment using Biplane Angiography cath lab:
Stroke patients have a better chance of getting good results as soon as they reach the stroke center after the onset of symptoms. Delaying every hour before initiation of treatment significantly reduces the chance of a good result by 30 percent. With the advanced cone beam technology and DTAS ( Direct to Angio suite), the CT scanning tests for brain stroke patients, their results, subsequent treatment decisions, and treatments (Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy) are all done in one room, on the same machine, with this “Bi-Plane Neuro angio Procedure Suite,” so the patient does not have to waste time during the golden hour.
Treatment for thrombolysis and thrombectomy will be completed quickly. This prompt treatment may result in a speedy recovery from a stroke. With these superior imaging capabilities, the advanced biplane Cathlab is able to give life-saving care to patients with the utmost speed and accuracy.
What are the Advantages of Biplane Cathlab?
- It is the gold standard for the endovascular treatment of Neurovascular diseases.
- The most advanced cath lab suite is exclusively designed and used for complex peripheral, gastro Oncointerventions.
- Precise image quality and image coverage. Better patient experience-Minimal invasive technology to treat brain vascular pathology.
- Both diagnosis and treatment of disease are possible in a single room.
- Cone Beam CT Technology for simultaneous obtaining CT scan in the cath lab.
- Less time
What are the Neurovascular treatments performed by using Bi-Plane Angiography Cath Lab?
- Cerebral Angiography
- Mechanical thrombectomy for stroke
- Flow Diverter for Aneurysm
- Aneurysm Coiling
- Stent and Balloon Assisted Coiling
- Dural AVF Embolization
- Carotico-cavernous fistula embolization
- AVM Embolization
- Tumour Embolization
- Intracranial stenting
- Carotid Stenting
About the Author:

DR. SURESH GIRAGANI CONSULTANT INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGIST at Apollo hospitals Jubilee Hills, has more than sixteen years of clinical experience in vascular interventions with a special interest in neurovascular and peripheral vascular disease interventional procedures.